> Top Holiday Destinations In Devon > The Jurassic Coast And East Devon > Places To Eat And Drink > The Giant Club > [https: > [https: > Www.googletagmanager.com > Ns.html?id=gtm Wj863wp%5d%28https%3a%2f%2fwww.googletagmanager.com%2fns.html%3fid%3dgtm Wj863wp%29

The Giant Club

A six course meal for a very reasonable price you will need to book and is only open on Friday and Saturday evenings. Without doubt some of the best food you will eat in the area.

The Giant Club
The Giant Club
The Giant Club

Great food that has been grown locally. The Giant Club is all about the food, you will not know what you might eat untill you get there. The chef will chat about the menu to those dining. The Giant Club is unpretentious. Cocktails and wines are served. Friendly helpful staff. This is a little different to where you might have been before, but it will be one of the best for the food. Menus are created on the day from ingredients available locally, but usually follow the format of:

A sort of large canapé
A mainly vegetable based starter
A fish course
A meat course
A sorbet
A dessert (usually dairy based)

The Giant Club
14 Lyme Street
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